+31(0)78 - 68 11 420 // +32(0)3 – 808 08 35 info@epatra.eu

A continuous flow of information

The right information and functionalities at the right time

In today’s society, we want to be inform and informed as quickly and easily as possible. Just look at the changing behaviour that the smartphone has brought about and still brings about. Within an organization and in the office, this is no different. Where we used to do that with a memo, for example, we now live in a digital world in which the flow of information can be attuned to time, location, target group, type, and so on. The trick is to use the right means of communication for the right information. Epatra has digital signage and mapping & wayfinding.
* Completely non-binding and a suitable quotation as soon as possible.
Digital Signage

Up-to-date information throughout the office

Digital Signage, also known as narrowcasting, is the transmission and display of information to and on screens. It is aimed at a specific target group at a specific place at a specific time. Control every target group with custom content, when and where you want it.

Digital Signage can be used in a wide variety of ways and is a beautiful, effective, refreshing and modern way for every company, school, non-profit institution and sports association to communicate with staff, customers, visitors, patients and passers-by.

Epatra has developed its own digital signage solution under the name TiC Narrow Casting. The abbreviation TiC stands for Total Information Control. TiC Narrow Casting is a software solution that is able to manage all desired communication, which must be visible on screens, in a very simple and clear way.

Epatra is a distributor of the quality brands TiC Narrow Casting and Signage Live.


Mapping & Wayfinding

Signage for staff & visitors

For a long time now, signage has included not only a sign with an arrow, but all types of signposting that help the user determine his or her route. Good signage is also desirable within an organisation for both employees and visitors.

GoBright Wayfinding shows the actual occupation of all meeting rooms in one overview. It also visualizes in which direction the meeting rooms are located and which upcoming meetings are planned. Customers, guests and visitors find their way quickly through the entire building.

GoBright Mapping visualizes the office floors of the building. It is an interactive map with an overview of all available and occupied workplaces and meeting rooms. Mapping also offers the possibility to directly book a workplace or to find out at which desk that one colleague is working.


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